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Campus Technology 2014 Workshop: Flipping Your Classroom with iPad Screencasting by Rob Zdrojewski

Recorded July 28, 2014 at Campus Technology 2014 Higher Education Annual Summer Conference in Boston, MA 

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Session Description:
Screencasts have the power to personalize the online environment when students actually see and hear their instructors and classmates asynchronously. Learn how to use the leading iOS screencasting apps such as TechSmith’s ScreenChompExplain Everything, Coach's Eye and EDUcreations to create screencast videos using only your iPad. Your screencasts can include a combination of elements, such as PowerPoint slides, documents, and even your face as you speak! Capture all lecture content and create effective online teaching materials. Specific Higher Ed examples will be provided from a “Flipped” adjunct professor who now rarely delivers lectures standing in front of students, and instead circulates among them while they take ownership of their own learning. Engage your students, accelerate learning and flip your class!

Can't see the embedded slides?  View as Google Presentation.