I was selected to present on June 17, 2014 at the monthly Edmodo Teacher's Lounge webinar series. As an Edmodo Certified Trainer I was so excited to be chosen, as I can honestly say that Edmodo has really changed the way my classroom runs! My focus will be on using Edmodo for assessment, which I have blogged about before.
(Update 6/19/2014) Watch the recorded video HERE
Join us on June 17th for this free online event!
Rob Zdrojewski

Amherst Middle School
Amherst, NY
Tuesday, June 17 @ 7pm EST
Join us for this live 30-minute webinar with Ambassador and Certified Trainer, Rob Zdrojewski. Rob uses Edmodo to assess his Middle School students on classroom content and Common Core Standards. Rob uses a variety of Edmodo features including Polls, Quizzes, Progress and Snapshot to check his student’s mastery of objectives and standards. Register to learn how to use Edmodo as a way to assess your Students!
(Update 6/19/2014) Watch the recorded video HERE