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FETC 2014 Workshop: Using Socrative to Engage Our Students

Workshop recorded at the 2014 FETC Conference in Orlando, Florida on January 30, 2014.  View embedded video below or watch on YouTube.

Using Socrative to Engage Your Students

2-Hour Hands-On Ticketed Workshop WR4132
Thursday January 30, 2014  3:30pm - 5:30pm, S330D
Rob Zdrojewski, Amherst Middle and Canisius College
Alane Seeger, Lockport City School District

Discover the concept of clickers--without the need for expensive proprietary hardware. Using any web-enabled device, attendees will participate in the use of Socrative for audience response polls and quizzes on the fly. Teachers will appreciate the reporting tools and the cost--as Socrative is available at no cost for K12 schools! See demonstrations of how Socrative is used for quizzes, exams, ticket out the door activities, and on the fly questioning daily for exciting formative assessment.  Bring your mobile device!